Seeds Biomatrix, a company in the Agroceres group, offers excellent quality products, the result of years of research and development in the areas of agriculture, livestock and animal nutrition, with the best in genetics and seed technology to increase productivity in the field , with maximum adaptation and return to the farmer and rancher. With exclusive and differentiated service, our team of specialists is always on hand to recommend the best product and meet the diverse needs, whether in farming or in the production of more milk and meat. For us at Seeds Biomatrix, your result and satisfaction are part of our mission.
Seeds Biomatrix, a company in the Agroceres group, offers excellent quality products, the result of years of research and development in the areas of agriculture, livestock and animal nutrition, with the best in genetics and seed technology to increase productivity in the field , with maximum adaptation and return to the farmer and rancher. With exclusive and differentiated service, our team of specialists is always on hand to recommend the best product and meet the diverse needs, whether in farming or in the production of more milk and meat. For us in the seed biomatrix, its result and satisfaction are part of our mission.
Technology & Innovation
In the relentless pursuit of innovation, quality, service and focus on results, we constantly invest in high-tech seed production for planting in large areas or small crops. We offer the best options for maize and sorghum seeds to the rural producer, from a broad portfolio of hybrids with diversity, health and high performance proven in the field.
For research and development of corn and sorghum hybrids, we have one of the most modern industrial structures in Brazil, with processing units, state-of-the-art equipment and air-conditioned warehouses, which preserve all the genetic characteristics of the products.
The evolution of products involves constant investments in our production centers. The Seed Processing Unit (UBS), in Patos de Minas / MG, has undergone extensive modernization in recent years. The new facilities allow handling with high technology and strict quality control at all stages of the production process, providing the best to producers. The Unit is responsible for supplying the national and international markets, in addition to distribution centers in Rondonópolis / MT, Itumbiara / GO, Bandeirantes / PR, and Erechim / RS. The entire production process is 100% tracked. The investments allowed for even greater storage capacity, in addition to standard treatment for pest control and Industrial Seed Treatment (TSI), through a partnership with Bayer.
We have our own germplasm bank and use state-of-the-art tools to obtain and select lines and hybrids of corn and sorghum in our research centers: Passo Fundo / RS (subtropical region), Patos de Minas / MG (tropical altitude region), Sorriso / MT (low tropical) and Ipiaçú / MG (low altitude region). Our network of scientific experimentation is wide, covering the main corn and sorghum producing regions in Brazil, as well as countries in Latin America and Africa.
In all stages of the production process, the highest quality standards are adopted since the selection of partners, which undergo a rigorous assessment of the area in which the cultivation system will be installed in the production field - in order to explore all the productive potential - and mechanized harvesting, in addition to transportation in ears, respecting the strict period between the harvest and the beginning of drying at the UBS. In this way, we provide seeds with high quality standards, with the front line respecting the environment and the sustainability of the production process.
Our Seed Processing Unit, located in Patos de Minas, has a highly trained team, in addition to advanced technology available on the market for the production of hybrid maize and sorghum seeds. With drying on cobs and all processes controlled by strict quality procedures, we are able to obtain seeds with greater vigor, thus ensuring that the seed that reaches the customer has quality standards far above those required by law and meeting the expectations of the producer, each increasingly demanding.
Environmental sustainability is placed at the forefront. In the production unit, for example, industrial waste is used in the production system itself. The water used in the production process is treated before disposal. Respect for the environment and sustainability are considered from the field to the final consumer.
Climatized chambers are another differential that reflects our concern to invest in quality and preserve the physiological conditions of the seeds produced, through total control of the temperature and humidity of the environment. The air-conditioned chambers always provide a quality product ready for commercialization on the market.
Para garantir a qualidade das sementes, nosso laboratório está acreditado pela ISO 17025 e pelo Ministério da Agricultura com o RENASEM (Registro Nacional de Sementes e Mudas). Realizamos testes, ensaios e amostragem, sempre respeitando os padrões nacionais e internos, além de trabalhar com o Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade, rastreando todos os testes executados no laboratório e UBS. Para obter tais produtos, possuímos um padrão interno de avaliação das análises, incluindo avaliação de pureza (para garantir que não haja presença de outras sementes e sementes infestantes); germinação (avaliando o potencial de germinação da semente em condições ideais); sementes infestadas (para confirmar se há presença de insetos primários); vigor (verificar a capacidade que a semente tem de suportar condições adversas); dano mecânico (garantir a qualidade física da semente em relação à colheita e beneficiamento); e Tetrazolio (avaliação na pré-colheita da viabilidade de germinação da semente). Todo esse processo garante que sejam selecionadas as melhores sementes de milho e sorgo para o mercado altamente exigente.
As mentioned above, Seeds Biomatrix is committed to the producer and offers high quality products in all planting seasons (summer and winter harvest). See below a video produced by APPS (Paulista Association of Seed and Seedling Producers), an association that represents all seed producing companies in Brazil and understand a little more about the quality of seeds produced by companies in Brazil. The Seeds Biomatrix is also associated and guarantees the quality of the products so that you producer can always obtain the best results.
In addition to the high quality and productive process, we have administrative teams based in Rio Claro / SP and Patos de Minas / MG. In order to bring flexibility and speed to customer service processes, we have several means of communication that are easy to access for sending orders and clarifying doubts. This team is also responsible for raising awareness among drivers, who transport seeds to customers to offer quality work, ensuring adequate products at points of sale.
We operate in all regions of the national territory and other countries in South America and Africa. We offer a complete line of selected hybrids capable of meeting the different needs of the corn and sorghum market. We have a highly trained commercial team that operates in different markets, serving all agribusiness professionals - resale, cooperative or rural producer - always bringing quality and confidence to the field. We also have a team of highly trained agronomists committed to after-sales technical support and assistance.
Nothing is more rewarding for us than seeing our commitment to bring technology, productivity and profitability to the rural producer expressed in the client's result. The great response in the field of Seeds Biomatrix products is the commitment that guides our entire process.
We work and invest so that more and more of our hybrid maize and sorghum seeds can deliver maximum yield to the producer, that is, more grains, more milk and more meat.